PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

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Fallacy, Fiction and Falsehoods: Debunking the Petrochemical Industry Part 1

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
This is the first in a series of blogs taking a deeper look at the misinformation and hyperbole from the natural gas and petrochemical industry. Read more

PennFuture organizes tour of Philadelphia green stormwater infrastructure sites

by Lena Smith
Often times, showing is better than telling. That’s why PennFuture last month organized a bus tour in an effort to highlight the social, economic and environmental benefits of green stormwater infrastructure in Philadelphia. Read more

PennFuture delivers Toxic Neighbor petition to U.S. Steel

by Kelsey Krepps, Western PA Outreach Coordinator
PennFuture delivered more than 5,300 petition signatures to the office of U.S. Steel President and Chief Executive Officer David Burritt, demanding the company modernize its facilities and stop polluting in the Monongahela Valley. Read more

So Pennsylvania Might Join RGGI. What Comes Next?

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Rob Altenburg describes the process that will unfold over the next 18 to 24 months as Pennsylvania works to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Read more

Exploring Erie, and an Emerging Presence

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
PennFuture aspires to play more of a role defending Lake Erie and the region’s water, and to build capacity for the Erie community to have a stronger voice in the halls of the Capitol and be a more integrated part of our statewide water campaigns. Read more

A Sunnier Vision for Pennsylvania: An Alternative to Giving Tax Breaks to Fossil Fuels

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
On Sept. 19th, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted to give yet another gift to the already heavily subsidized natural gas and petrochemical industry: a 20 percent tax break. This archaic vision of economic development in Pennsylvania is a threat to our communities, ecology, and climate. Read more

Fracking Across Property Lines: Briggs v. Southwestern Energy Production Company

by Kody Hines, Legal Intern
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court could soon decide a case that will have far-reaching implications for oil and gas development. Read more

Philadelphia Energy Solutions' Failures

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Dumping money into the petrochemical industry is a dead end for Pennsylvania and we need a better and more sustainable pathway for our future. Read more

In the Headlights - 2020

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo says that 2020 will be an extremely important year for the environment, but work still remains to close out 2019. Read more

Tohickon Creek Is Saved...For Now

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
The Department of Environmental Protection has pulled back from plans to downgrade the Tohickon Creek in Bucks County. Read more

Pennsylvania still not doing its part to restore the Chesapeake Bay

by Taylor Nezat, Campaign Manager for Watershed Advocacy, PennFuture
Pennsylvania comprises 35 percent of the entire Chesapeake Bay Watershed, but our efforts at reducing pollution in the watershed continue to fall short. Read more

Running for a Reason

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
How far are you willing to go to prove a point? For Sam Bencheghib, it’s about 3,100 miles, or roughly the distance between New York and Los Angeles. Read more

Before You Leap, Learn About Your Water Quality

by Alice R. Baker, Senior Staff Attorney
As you head out for a swim to cool off this summer, take minute to learn about what you are jumping into. Read more

The Problem with Pipelines

Picture courtesy of Sam Rubright/FracTracker Alliance
by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
The burgeoning petrochemical movement is in its infancy in western Pennsylvania, but we’ve already experienced significant detriments to both the environment and private property because of fracking and pipeline accidents. Read more

PennFuture's Rob Altenburg appointed to DEP committee

DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell appointed Rob Altenburg to a two-year term on the agency’s Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee. Read more

The Opportunity for Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Philadelphia’s Rebuild Initiative

This picture, courtesy of the Philadelphia Water Department, shows Heron Playground’s Porous Surface.
by Lena Smith
Green Stormwater Infrastructure is integral to Philadelphia’s economy, environment, and social equity. Read more

Pennsylvania State Budget Turns Blind Eye to Environment

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
PennFuture's Director of Policy recaps the recently-passed state budget and how it impacts the environment. Read more

PennFuture strongly opposes Tohickon Creek downgrade

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
On July 11, PennFuture’s legal team submitted comments to the state Department of Environmental Protection, strongly urging the agency not to downgrade the status of the Tohickon Creek in Bucks County. Read more

Artists Interpreting Climate Change, Part 3

Courtesy of Stacy Levy
by M. Travis DiNicola, Director of Development
PennFuture's Director of Development talks about the intersection of art and climate change. Read more

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