PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

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Register to Vote. Become an Informed Voter. Go Vote.

Exercise your right to vote and be prepared to make the best informed decisions you can make! Read more

Artists Interpreting Climate Change, Part II

by M. Travis DiNicola, Director of Development
Director of Development M. Travis DiNicola explores how artists interpret climate change in a follow up blog. Read more

The Inevitable Policy Response Theory

Christina Simeone explores the policy response theory when it comes to climate change. Read more

Hurricane Florence is the Latest Sign of Our Failure + Enduring Hope

by Matthew Stepp, Vice President and Chief of Staff, PennFuture
In closing Climate Month, PennFuture Chief of Staff and Vice President Matt Stepp looks at what we face in the future. Read more

House Bill 2154 Threatens PA Communities, Putting Polluters First

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Read the latest on a destructive bill moving through the State Senate and learn how you can help to stop it. Read more

Op-Ed: Beaver County Pipeline Explosion: How to Prevent Future Catastrophes

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
A recent op-ed from PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo. Read more

How Will Climate Change Affect Pennsylvania’s Plants and Animals?

A look at the changing migratory patterns of species in PA. Read more

How Artists Interpret Climate Change & Raise Awareness

by M. Travis DiNicola, Director of Development
PennFuture's Director of Development M. Travis DiNicola explores the ways artists are interpreting climate change. Read more

Of Floods and our Future

Larry J. Schweiger, President Emeritus, PennFuture, explores the local impact of climate change in PA. Read more

The Urgency of Climate Change + Opportunities to Take Action

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
September is Climate Month at PennFuture, as we provide you with content on all aspects of this important issue. Read more

Monroe County College Campus Journeys to Clean Energy and Efficiency

by Susanne Whitehead, Director of Donor Relations
A look at one college campus and the way it became more energy efficient. Read more

Trump's Proposed Car Emissions Rollback Would Prevent States from Protecting Citizens

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Director of PennFuture's Energy Center Rob Altenburg explains the implications of recent rollbacks. Read more

Exceptional Waters Define the Poconos & Deserve Protection

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
Learn more about Our Pocono Waters Campaign and how you can get involved. Read more

PennFuture’s Leadership Tour Explores the Poconos

A look at a recent trip taken by PennFuture's Leadership Council. Read more

Saving Energy on a Budget

Here are a few easy steps you can take to save energy in your home. Read more

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