PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues


Summer 2024 Legal Interns

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
Introducing PennFuture's Legal interns: Andriana Vega, Jessie Staley, and Jasmine Gunning. Read more

New Air Quality Report Shows More Work To Be Done For Pennsylvania’s Air

by Angela Kilbert, Staff Attorney
The 2024 “State of the Air” reports shows that many Pennsylvanians are still experiencing the harmful effects of air pollution. Read more

Public Participation, Public Power: PennFuture’s Community Land Use Process Guidebook

by Brigitte Meyer, Staff Attorney
The guide is designed to give Pennsylvanian residents the knowledge and tools they need to understand and effectively participate in local land use decision-making processes. Read more

The People Have A Right: A Brief Overview Of Environmental Rights Amendment Case Law

by Brigitte Meyer, Staff Attorney
A brief history of the Environmental Rights Amendment court cases and the decisions that interpret and apply this important law. Read more

The Delaware River has a pollution problem, and PWD can’t scare it into going away

by Emma Bast, Staff Attorney, Jessica O'Neill, Senior Attorney
By telling Philadelphians that they can’t have a healthy river without a “big spike” in their water bills, the Philadelphia Water Department is unnecessarily pitting Philadelphians against their own environment. Read more

Climate Disruption on Trial: A Major Victory for Environmental Rights in Montana

by John Dernbach, Board member
Held v. Montana is the first constitutional climate decision in the U.S. based on a trial. This article takes a closer look at the case. Read more

PennFuture Appeals Zoning Approval of Commercial Development in EV Watershed

by Brigitte Meyer, Staff Attorney
PennFuture files a notice of land use appeal for Hawthorne Resort in the Monroe County. Read more

PennFuture’s Fall 2023 Legal Interns

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
Introducing PennFuture's Legal Interns for Fall 2023 Read more

Logistics Facilities are Coming. Is Your Municipality Ready?: PennFuture Releases Model Logistics Use Ordinance and Guidebook

by Brigitte Meyer, Staff Attorney
Municipalities cannot ignore this new pattern of development and cannot ban distribution and fulfillment centers from within their borders. They must proactively plan for when distribution and fulfillment centers come to town by adopting updated zoning ordinances. Read more

PennFuture’s New Legal Interns Summer 2023

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
This summer, we have three fantastic students for our internship, representing a range of backgrounds and experiences. Read more

Swiftwater Solar Settlement: A win for all in the Poconos

by Emma Bast, Staff Attorney
PennFuture and Brodhead Watershed Association (BWA) announce a settlement reached with the developer of the Swiftwater Solar project and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that protects the water quality of Exceptional Value Swiftwater Creek. Read more

2023 State of the Air: Pennsylvania Cities Rank Among Most Polluted

by Angela Kilbert, Staff Attorney
New Report Shows Air Quality in Pennsylvania Cities Continue to Rank Among Most Polluted in the U.S. Read more

West Chester stormwater case: how ordinance language can harm PA’s pollution control

by Malisa Dang, Legal Intern
Court's ruling on stormwater charge generated controversy among other municipalities with similar stormwater ordinances and tax-exempted entities. Read more

Philly Spill Scare: This Is Why We Fight

by Emma Bast, Staff Attorney
We dodged the worst this time, but this could happen again. Industry and other polluters are not going to keep us safe simply out of the goodness of their hearts, which is why we need to fight for stronger regulations. Read more

Why PennFuture, Partners Petitioned EPA to Object to U.S. Steel’s Clairton Coke Works Title V Operating Permit

by Angela Kilbert, Staff Attorney
The renewed air permit for U.S. Steel’s Clairton Coke Works fails to include the monitoring and testing requirements needed to ensure the facility actually complies with its permit limits. Read more

Environmental Disaster from East Palestine, OH Train Derailment

by Leigh Martinez, Communications Director
Shocking in its scale and potential effects, the disaster's long-term health and environmental impacts may not be known for months or even years Read more

Introducing PennFuture’s New Legal & Policy Interns!

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
This spring, we have two fantastic students for our internship, representing a range of backgrounds and experiences Read more

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