PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

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PennFuture Launches the Our Water, Our Future Campaign to Unify Erie Around Clean Water Goals

by Sarah Bennett, Campaign Manager for Clean Water Advocacy
PennFuture has opened a new office in Erie, and we hope to unite residents there around clean water goals that could provide a brighter, better future for everyone. Read more

PennFuture partners with Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania on new field organizing program

by Michael Mehrazar, Advocacy Manager
The PennFuture and CVPA Field Team aims to make it easy for people to get involved in environmental advocacy. Read more

Pennsylvania General Assembly Punts on State Budget, Passes Stopgap Measure with Level Funding for Environmental and Conservation Priorities

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
The Pennsylvania General Assembly has passed a five-month stopgap budget package to fund most of the state government through November 2020. Here is our analysis of what's in this short-term budget. Read more

Fundraising, Events, and COVID-19

by M. Travis DiNicola, Director of Development
The ongoing pandemic has drastically changed how organizations like PennFuture pursue fundraising and special events. Read more

Pennsylvania Legislators Send Deregulatory Bill to Wolf’s Desk

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
SB 327 seeks to undermine the regulatory authority of our agencies—environmental and other—that are tasked with safeguarding Pennsylvanians’ public health. Read more

It’s Time to Move the RGGI Rulemaking Process Forward

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
On May 19th, the DEP is going to make a presentation to the Citizens Advisory Council and ask them to recommend that the RGGI rules be sent to the Environmental Quality Board for consideration. Read more

The Colors of a Pandemic

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
We expect a different normal going forward. Let’s activate and do our parts to ensure that our recovery from COVID-19 leads to a green future. Read more

PennFuture Releases Updated Stream Redesignation Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Local Stream Protection Efforts

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
This 82-page manual serves as a guide for those looking to protect and maintain local stream quality by walking through the various steps of the official regulatory process, explaining the information needed for the petition, and recommending ways to garner support for the redesignation petition. Read more

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Attempts to Restrict the Clean Water Act’s Protections For Discharges Through Groundwater

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
Last month, the Supreme Court of the United States issued arguably its most important Clean Water Act decision in the past decade. Read more

PA House Leaders Push Bills to Thwart Environmental Protections, Attack Conservation Funding

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
Anti-environmental legislators in the Pennsylvania General Assembly are using the COVID-19 public health crisis as a cover to move bills to block any proposed or final environmental regulations and to attack dedicated environmental and conservation funds. Read more

Thirty Days of Action

by Michael Mehrazar, Advocacy Manager
In April, we teamed up with Conservation Voters of Pa. to host the Act For Our Earth challenge, in which we asked participants to take one meaningful action each day on behalf of our planet. Read more

Updated Climate Change Assessment Reveals Future Pennsylvania Water Troubles

by Renee Reber, Campaign Manager, Watershed Advocacy
Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection last week released the state’s third Climate Change Impacts Assessment, and the update tells us of a warmer future with more rain, floods and landslides than ever experienced in Pennsylvania history. Read more

Fracked Gas and Petrochemical Industries Jockeying for Stimulus Recovery Funds

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
Giving stimulus recovery funds to the fracked gas and petrochemical industries is akin to throwing money down a hole at a time when every dollar needs to be used effectively for the greatest possible public good. Read more

PennFuture taking holistic view of improving water quality around Philadelphia

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
PennFuture is happy to be part of the push for better water quality over the past several decades, especially in the Philadelphia region of the Delaware River Watershed. Read more

Model shows participation in RGGI would reduce pollution by 180 million tons

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
The results show the plan marks a significant step toward reaching our carbon pollution goals by saving 180 million tons of carbon pollution while maintaining Pennsylvania's status as a significant energy generator and exporter. Read more

Earth Day 2070

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo writes about her hopes for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and for many Earth Days yet to come. Read more

Congratulations to the Delaware River!

by Emily Rinaldi Baldauff, Campaigns Director
The resurgence of the Delaware River has received well-deserved recognition. Beating out river basins all across the United States, the Delaware was named River of the Year for 2020 by national environmental group American Rivers. Read more

PennFuture, partners to celebrate PA Clean Water Week

by Renee Reber, Campaign Manager, Watershed Advocacy
PennFuture, in partnership with the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed and the Choose Clean Water Coalition, will highlight different rivers, streams and watersheds across Pennsylvania this week. Read more

Five Environmental Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic for Pennsylvania

by Matthew Stepp, Vice President and Chief of Staff, PennFuture
The environmental, economic, and social impacts of Covid-19 are profound and are reshaping how we work, recreate, and live our daily lives. Read more

Philly Can Achieve a Green New Deal through Green Stormwater Infrastructure

by Lena Smith
As Philadelphia City Council’s environmental leaders discuss what a Green New Deal means for the city, their legislative agendas must focus on addressing current barriers to implementing the Green City Clean Waters program. Read more

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