For over a decade clean water advocates have sought updates to Pennsylvania’s Fertilizer Act to include more protections for waterways. At last, this July we can celebrate the passage of such legislation.
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Pennsylvania has $2.2 billion in federal American Rescue Plan funding that remains unallocated out of $7 billion it originally received. Recognizing the importance of natural infrastructure and healthy rivers and streams to public health, this money should be used to fund clean water programs and pr
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On World Water Day, we are again calling on state lawmakers to properly fund the programs and initiatives that will get us closer to our clean water goals in Pennsylvania, and in the Chesapeake Bay.
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The draft 2022 report finds 33 percent of Pennsylvania’s stream miles are impaired. That’s a step backward from 30 percent in the 2020 report.
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Last week, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection released its long-anticipated amendment to the Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan.
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Gathering on a Plain Sect dairy farm in Lancaster County on October 13, a group of 20 volunteers planted approximately 600 trees as part of a two-acre buffer on a direct tributary to the Conestoga River.
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After years of lackluster planning and implementation, Pennsylvania and the other Bay states should celebrate the huge strides that are underway over the last two years since the completion of the Phase 3 WIP.
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This week, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science gave the Chesapeake Bay a C in their latest report card. This is an improvement from last year’s grade of C-.
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PennFuture today released a policy agenda designed to give Pennsylvania lawmakers a roadmap to fund clean water programs and to get us back on track toward meeting our obligations to clean up the bay.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has left its impact on all of us and continues to raise uncertainty at every corner, including in our clean water advocacy.
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Despite recent planning efforts by the state and a renewed vigor in Chesapeake Bay cleanup efforts, Pennsylvania continues to lag behind in its progress reports.
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Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection last week released the state’s third Climate Change Impacts Assessment, and the update tells us of a warmer future with more rain, floods and landslides than ever experienced in Pennsylvania history.
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PennFuture, in partnership with the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed and the Choose Clean Water Coalition, will highlight different rivers, streams and watersheds across Pennsylvania this week.
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