PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

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DEP is Asking Us to Pick Up the Bill for Waste Coal...Again

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
In creating a cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions in Pennsylvania, the state DEP should rethink its policy on waste coal. Read more

While We Wait on the Future to Happen

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
PennFuture remains committed to serving as Pennsylvania's environmental watchdog, which means fighting back against a horrible piece of legislation known as House Bill 1100. Read more

Fighting for Our Future

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
On March 9, PennFuture and 34 other organizations from across Pennsylvania banded together to rally in Harrisburg against House Bill 1100. Read more

After Stormy Decade, Philly Needs Green Stormwater Solutions to Prepare for Climate Change

by Lena Smith
PennFuture is working to raise awareness of how the climate crisis affects Philadelphia's aging infrastructure. Read more

PennFuture Petitions DRBC to Recognize Primary Contact Recreation on the Mainstem Delaware River

by Abigail M. Jones, Vice President of Legal and Policy
PennFuture and a coalition of organizations submitted a petition to the Delaware River Basin Commission to upgrade the regulatory status of a portion of the lower Delaware River. Read more

Why Does Pennsylvania Insist on Offering Subsidies to Fracked Gas and Petrochemicals? The Industries Would Collapse Without Them

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
Harrisburg policymakers are, again, debating whether to give more taxpayer-funded handouts to the fracking and petrochemical industries. Read more

What is the Transportation and Climate Initiative?

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Pennsylvania and other Northeast and Mid Atlantic states are exploring a cap-and-invest approach to address transportation-related carbon pollution Read more

Fallacy, Fiction, and Falsehoods: Debunking RGGI Myths Part 1

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Facing the prospect of actually having to pay for their pollution rather than being allowed to dump it in the air for free, polluters and their friends are mobilizing to oppose RGGI with fallacies and mistruths. Read more

First Glimpse: PennFuture analyzes draft of DEP's cap-and-invest program

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Next week, the state DEP will present its first draft of a cap-and-invest program that could be implemented in Pennsylvania. Read more

National Gas Industry Plans to Spend Big to Advertise Mistruths in Western Pennsylvania

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
Western Pennsylvania is about to be center stage in a new million-dollar public relations campaign spearheaded by the fracked gas industry’s largest national lobbying group. Read more

The Dangers of Senate Bill 790, Part II

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
In the coming days, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is poised to vote on Senate Bill 790, a substantial rollback of environmental protections governing the conventional oil and gas industry in Pennsylvania. Read more

New rule attempts to tackle pollution from oil and gas wells

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
While an important step, the proposed rulemaking still has some hurdles in the regulatory process before becoming law, but the rule also has some significant shortfalls. Read more

The Dangers of Senate Bill 790

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
This bill aims to revive the conventional gas drilling industry, but at the expense of undoing years of regulations. Read more

Facing the Frack: Gas is Not Enhancing our Environment

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
The fracked gas industry and its proponents excel at spinning false narratives about the health and safety of its operations, and often don’t tell the whole story when faced with facts. Read more

GivingTuesday a big success for PennFuture

by M. Travis DiNicola, Director of Development
This global day of giving has become the biggest giving day of the year. Read more

Reflections on 2019, and Looking Ahead to 2020

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo reflects on PennFuture's achievements in 2019, but also looks ahead to the challenges of 2020. Read more

Fallacy, Fiction and Falsehoods: Debunking the Petrochemical Industry Part 2

by Jared Stonesifer, Director of Media Relations
This is the second in an ongoing series of blogs taking a deeper look at the comments, misinformation, hyperbole, and criticisms from the natural gas and petrochemical industry as well as their allies in their attempt to sell Pennsylvanians on the virtues of its climate-killing sector. Read more

Legislators say Gov. Wolf lacks the authority to have Pennsylvania join RGGI. This is why they’re wrong.

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Earlier this week, a group of state legislators held a press conference in Harrisburg to unveil new legislation that challenges Gov. Tom Wolf’s authority to enter into a partnership like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. Read more

A Trip to the Supreme Court

by Alice R. Baker, Senior Staff Attorney
PennFuture senior attorney Alice Baker recently went to Washington, D.C. to watch a case involving the federal Clean Water Act. Read more

Making Sense of Pennsylvania’s Growing Debate Around Petrochemicals

by Jacquelyn Bonomo, PennFuture President and CEO
Pennsylvania’s proposed petrochemical buildout is bad for the environment, bad for the economy, and bad for our communities. Read more

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