
We are champions for local, state and national public policies that protect and expand our environmental resources.

Pennsylvania has a long and storied history of polluting industries with deep pockets and powerful political influence making harmful and lasting changes to our water, air, and landscapes that future generations must pay to fix. Pennsylvania faces significant challenges that grow every year as oil and gas infrastructure expands, our waters become more polluted, and climate change becomes more severe. It’s important now more than ever to defend against renewed efforts to weaken our environmental protections.

Contact Gov. Wolf


During an average two-year legislative session, the Pennsylvania General Assembly produces between 3000-4000 pieces of legislation. Of those, as many as 10 percent hold the potential to impact Pennsylvania’s environment. PennFuture tracks each of these bills, engaging with stakeholders and legislators to advance those that benefit the Commonwealth’s environment or defeat those that aim to damage it.

The bills listed below are those of the highest priority for PennFuture

PennFuture Legislative Contact
Ezra P. Thrush
P: 717.214.7926

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Environmental regulation is a critical tool for reducing or eliminating environmental harm due to commercial and industrial activity. Pennsylvania’s existing regulations make up the foundation of environmental protection for our air, hundreds of thousands of acres of land, and miles of waterways. Yet, new pollution challenges often require new regulations to ensure public safety, health, and sustainability.

The regulations listed below are of the highest priority for PennFuture. 

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Support PennFuture's Work

PennFuture is the leading environmental voice in Harrisburg, advocating for strong environmental protections and defending against policy rollbacks.

We need your help. Please support our work.


  • Clean Energy

    Pennsylvania already employs over 65,000 clean energy jobs. It’s poised to become a leader in the manufacture and installation of clean energy, but it requires state policy leadership rather than protective subsidies for fossil fuels.

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  • Water Pollution

    Pennsylvania is home to thousands of miles of waterways too polluted to swim in or fish. Yet the Commonwealth continues to underinvest in programs to address water pollution and cleanup projects.

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  • Public Lands

    Pennsylvania is home to one of the largest state park systems in the US – 121 parks and 283,000 acres of diverse wildlife and scenic beauty. This natural resource is under constant threat, whether from gas companies wanting to drill or from legislators wanting to open the land to commercial development.

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Policy Resources

PennFuture Statement on 2024-2025 State Budget

The new budget reveals a number of forward-looking environmental initiatives. Learn More

PennFuture's Statement on SCOTUS Overruling Chevron Doctrine

The U.S. Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine endangering countless regulations. Learn More

Economic Growth
Pennfuture Unveils Policy Recommendations for the Pennsylvania Department Of Community And Economic Development — aiming to redirect Pennsylvania's financial resources from fossil fuels towards decarbonization and economic diversification

Recommendations on reforming the DCED and Team PA to effectively support EJ communities, labor, and lead the clean industrial revolution. Learn More

PennFuture & CVPA's Statement on the Farm Bill Proposals

On May 17, 2024, the chairs of the House Committee on Agriculture and Senate Committee on Agriculture released contrasting 2024 Farm Bill proposals. Learn More

Clean Energy
PACER and PRESS Legislation Shows Promise of a Cleaner Energy Future; PennFuture Looks Ahead at Strengthening Policies

PennFuture remains dedicated to supporting a bold plan for Pennsylvania to reduce harmful and climate-altering emissions in its energy sector. Learn More

Clean Water
Pennsylvania’s Watersheds Representatives List Top 5 Water Priorities for State Legislators in 2024

Watershed coalitions educate state legislators about five key clean water policies during Clean Water Education Day. Learn More

Land Use Is an Environmental Issue: PennFuture Publishes A New Guide to Help Pennsylvania Residents Understand and Effectively Participate in Land Use Decision-Making

In Pennsylvania, the power to govern land use and development resides almost entirely at the local level. Residents have power to influence these decisions. Learn More

Lake Erie
Erie Environmental Groups Collaborate on “All Flows Lead to Lake Erie” Stormwater Series

A dozen nonprofit, agency, and municipal environmental experts team up this year to tackle the greatest threat to our Lake Erie Watershed: stormwater runoff. Learn More

Air Pollution
PennFuture celebrates another step forward in cleaning up the transportation sector with EPA’s finalization of Light-Duty Vehicle Standards

The EPA finalized new pollution standards for cars and trucks, which will be vital to cutting pollution and improving U.S. air quality. Learn More

PennFuture’s Statement on Governor Shapiro’s Energy Proposals

Governor Josh Shapiro announced on March 13, 2024 two new energy plans for Pennsylvania. Learn More

Pennsylvania Needs a Sustainable, Inclusive Economic Development Plan

Over one hundred businesses, organizations, advocates, and elected officials signed a letter to the Governor expressing concern over his "Gets It Done" plan. Learn More

Water Quality
Letter: Clean Streams Funding 2023-2024

PennFuture opposes House Bill 1300 as currently written, which proposes to transfer $150 million in funding from the PA Game Commission to Clean Streams Fund. Learn More

How to Protect PA Communities and Environment from Distribution Center Development

PennFuture releases a model logistics-use zoning ordinance for Pennsylvania Municipalities to help manage the influx of large distribution centers. Learn More

PA and a Post “Chevron” World

The history and context of the Chevron decision, explain the Loper Bright decision, and look at what this major change in the law means for environmental and human health protections in Pennsylvania. Learn More

Pennsylvania needs PRESS now more than ever

The fracking industry has reason to worry. Learn More

The Unspoken Truth: Economic Policy is Environmental Policy

Economic development can bring massive benefits to our communities, but it also brings other consequences that must be considered. Learn More

Navigating Pennsylvania's Clean Water Priorities: Championing a Statewide Water Legislative Agenda

The state budget process provides space for bipartisan cooperation to achieve the goals of protecting and restoring Pennsylvania’s abundant waterways. Learn More

Public Participation, Public Power: PennFuture’s Community Land Use Process Guidebook

The guide is designed to give Pennsylvanian residents the knowledge and tools they need to understand and effectively participate in local land use decision-making processes. Learn More

Zoning, Not Popular Vote, Should Determine 'Warehouse' Development

A proposed bill in the Pennsylvania legislature attempts to manage the proliferation of logistics facilities by voter referendum. Learn More

Riparian Buffers: a Natural, Inexpensive, and Crucial Way to Protect and Improve Water Quality

An explanation on Riparian Buffers and their benefits to PA’s waters and communities. Learn More

Logistics Facilities are Coming. Is Your Municipality Ready?: PennFuture Releases Model Logistics Use Ordinance and Guidebook

Municipalities cannot ignore this new pattern of development and cannot ban distribution and fulfillment centers from within their borders. They must proactively plan for when distribution and fulfillment centers come to town by adopting updated zoning ordinances. Learn More

A Look at the 2018 Draft Integrated Water Quality Report

Pennsylvania is a water rich state with approximately 86,000 stream miles connecting more than 700,000 acres of lakes, bays, and wetlands. Protecting and monitoring such a high volume of the Commonwealth's waterways is a challenging but necessary task. Learn More

PennFuture Submits Comments Opposing the Dirty Water Rule, Engages More Than 1,400 Citizens to Do the Same

On Monday, April 15, PennFuture submitted public comments opposing the Trump Administration’s proposed revised definition of “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. Learn More

New Definition of “Waters of the United States” Threatens Clean Water Act Protections

On February 14, 2019, the federal agencies tasked with regulating our nation’s waters under the Clean Water Act – the US Environmental Protection Agency and US Army Corps of Engineers – issued a new definition of “waters of the United States,” which will dramatically limit the protections of the Cle Learn More

Comments and Expert Testimony

We also provide comments and expert testimony before the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC), legislative committees, or other venues as appropriate.

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Take Action: Become a Member

PennFuture depends on your support to enable us to fight on each of these fronts. Your tax-deductible membership provides real benefits.

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