Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lee Zeldin announced his intention to roll back critical regulations that protect clean air and water. While the EPA cannot dictate regulatory policy by press release, Pennsylvania's leaders should carefully evaluate the legal and scientific rationale behind such a sweeping shift in federal environmental policy.
Environmental deregulation will do absolutely nothing to improve the day-to-day lives of Pennsylvanians. Rolling back environmental protections will not create jobs. Allowing more air pollution will not lower energy costs. Allowing more pollution in our waterways will not increase economic growth. Pennsylvania's economy demonstrates how unfettered fossil fuel development doesn't create the booming economy assumed by federal decision-makers. Pennsylvania continues to see population decline, rising costs, and significant pollution around the industrial plants Administrator Zeldin wants to "unleash."
Pennsylvanians have a constitutional right to clean air and pure water— thanks to the Environmental Rights Amendment that Pennsylvanians voted for in 1971. This state constitutional amendment places our environmental rights alongside our fundamental rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, the right to trial by jury, and the right to bear arms. These are rights that must not be undermined by outside forces and political agendas. The Commonwealth has both the authority and the obligation to uphold the expectations laid out by our Constitution.
With this level of regulatory uncertainty being imposed by the federal government, state policymakers must step up to protect Pennsylvanians:
PennFuture will continue to advocate for strong, science-based protections that serve the public interest and ensure Pennsylvania's environment and communities are safeguarded—no matter what happens at the federal level.