Clean Energy


Never before in Pennsylvania’s history has clean, renewable energy been so accessible and cost effective. The price of solar and wind power has dropped significantly in recent years, and they are on pace to become cheaper than coal and gas in the near future. Rapidly improving economics and new technologies entering the market make a clean energy future more probable than ever. In the next several years we will see continued cost and performance improvements as individuals, businesses, and communities make the transition to a zero carbon economy. 

Focus Areas


We’ve come a long way since President Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House in 1979 (they were removed by Regan in 1986 and installed again by Obama in 2014). Significant and continuous technology improvements have made solar generation more and more affordable, especially in recent years. The cost of residential solar fell from around $7 per watt in 2009 to just over $3 per watt in 2015. Commercial systems saw similar drops. With the 30% federal Investment Tax Credit, these costs are even lower. Just take a look around — you will start to see more solar panels on homes, businesses and schools, and shared solar systems in communities and cities.


Pennsylvania has some of the best wind potential east of the Mississippi, and we have the opportunity to develop over 4,000 megawatts (MW) of additional wind power within the next 10 years. There are 24 wind projects currently operating with an installed capacity of over 1,300 MW that generate about 3.5 million megawatt-hours of clean electricity each year. If Pennsylvania installed the full potential of 4,000 MW of wind energy, the state’s wind farms would be able to produce enough clean power to meet the annual electricity needs of over 1 million households. 

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency in Pennsylvania can return $2 to $3 to consumers for every dollar invested. While impressive, that doesn’t even include the additional health and environmental benefits. Individuals can take simple steps such as using modern LED bulbs, adding insulation, replacing windows and appliances and using a programmable thermostat to avoid wasting energy on heating and cooling when no one is at home. Geothermal or ground-source heat pumps are also used to draw heat out of the home during summer months and store it under ground until it is needed in winter.

Are Your Ready for Solar?

Is your community ready? Take a look at the Municipal Guidebook for Solar Zoning and Permitting.

What We're Up Against

  • Weak Investments

    Pennsylvania was an early leader in promoting clean energy, but in the last few years other states have expanded their wind and solar portfolios and we are falling behind. Our state leaders must increase private and public investment in renewable technologies and make bold policy changes to accelerate the transition to clean energy.

  • Infrastructure and Subsidies

    As long as we continue to invest in dirty energy, it will be harder for clean energy to get a foothold in our economy. Continued long-term investments in oil and gas infrastructure and fossil fuel subsidies will lock Pennsylvania in to dirty energy and slow the transition to a clean energy economy.

  • The Net Metering Battle

    Net Metering allows customers who generate more renewable energy than they need to sell excess energy back to their electric utility. While it provides incentives to expand clean power generation, it is under attack nationwide by fossil fuel interests and their allies. The Pennsylvania Utility Commission (PUC) is placing new restrictions on net metering, and enabling new fees on owners of solar systems and restricting where they can be placed and who in the community can use them. Learn More  >



For the first time in our history, Pennsylvania has the opportunity to move away from fossil fuels and set our communities on a sustainable path. It’s an audacious, but achievable goal that requires bipartisan leadership and new legislative champions. 

Strong Energy Policies

We Must:

  • Increase Pennsylvania's Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS), which is extremely low compared to surrounding states; 
  • Reform the commonwealth’s Act 129 energy efficiency legislation and eliminate the arbitrary investment cap;
  • Re-start state renewable energy incentives and low-cost financing programs, including the creation of a green bank;
  • Update Pennsylvania’s building codes; 
  • Eliminate the billions of dollars in fossil fuel subsidies; 
  • Implement a fair and equitable price on carbon pollution.
Growing Our Workforce

Pennsylvania currently has 57,000 workers employed in the clean energy sector, more than the oil, gas and coal industry combined. PA’s system of trade schools, community colleges and universities are prime institutions to launch a revolution in clean energy jobs. 

Energy Storage

Advances in new storage technologies like lithium batteries are allowing small businesses and homeowners to take advantage of storing clean energy. Not only does this allow customers to purchase power when the demand and prices are the lowest, it also can combine with renewable generation systems to provide steady, reliable power.

Smart Grids

Pennsylvania has an opportunity to rethink its electricity grid and build a system that is more resilient to climate change and promotes zero-carbon technologies. There are new opportunities for businesses and communities to create self-sufficient micro grids based on zero-carbon energy sources that lock in resiliency and detach from the aging grid. Pennsylvania needs a smart grid that includes both centralized and distributed generation, smart meters and systems to allow better and more efficient management of the grid. 

Take Action

Our Clean Energy Workforce is 66,000 Strong… and Growing

How is clean energy creating jobs in Pennsylvania – and what policies are needed now to ensure future job growth? Find out in the E2 Clean Jobs PA report.

View the E2 Clean Jobs Report

  • A Solar Future

    We must support municipalities that wish to institute best practices for the zoning and permitting of residential and small commercial scale solar PV project in their communities.

    Support Solar

  • Advancing Energy Efficiency Goals

    Act 129 programs have been very successful, highly cost-effective, and have brought significant benefits to Pennsylvania’s electric ratepayers. We need to do more.

    Read More

Stop the PUC From Attacking Solar

We need policies that pave the way to a clean energy future. Tell the Pennsylvania Utility Commission to allow the full economic and environmental benefits of solar power for homes, businesses and communities. The fossil fuel industry doesn’t deserve any more favors.

Contact Your Legislator