The Pennsylvania General Assembly’s two-year session wrapped up with a flurry of last-minute activity, capping off months of historic attacks on environmental priorities. It was a tumultuous session characterized by numerous attempts to weaken environmental regulations, halt progress toward...
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After 21 painful years of negotiations following the sabotaged Kyoto Climate Agreement, 191 countries finally found agreement on a new strategy to confront climate change and agreed to the Paris Climate Accord last December.
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Even if we keep our waste coal plants on line, there is still a significant amount of waste ash that must be disposed of. Some have suggested planting beach grass to stabilize the pile and prevent leaching into the ground water...
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Every year, the Solar Jobs census is released and every year, I write a blog about how Pennsylvania has fallen behind other states. Here we go... For the 2014 Solar Jobs Census, we are now 15th in the nation, with only about 2,800 employed in the solar industry in Pennsylvania.
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Anyone who spends time in the outdoors knows Pennsylvania has abundant water resources. With more than 86,000 miles of streams, we’re second only to Alaska in the number of miles of streams...
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