PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues

Featured Blog:

Making Clean Energy a Way of Life

by Stephanie Rex, Director of Communications
Fred Kraybill has made significant steps to reduce his carbon footprint. Read more

Trump’s Attack on our Environment

by Larry J. Schweiger
PennFuture President and CEO Larry Schweiger discusses the latest news. Read more

The Fight for Our Air Quality: Join Us in Clairton

by Annie Regan, Senior Program Manager
Breathless: An Air Quality Expo, will be held March 26. Read more

First PA Solar Future Stakeholder Meeting a Success

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
Get involved and join the next meeting June 8 in Pittsburgh. Read more

The Importance of Funding Environmental Public Interest Law

by Joy Braunstein, Chief Development Officer
PennFuture just argued one of the most important environmental cases in recent history in front of the PA Supreme Court. Read more

President Trump's Real Environmental Agenda

by Larry J. Schweiger
PennFuture CEO Larry Schweiger discusses the latest developments. Read more

Finding Pennsylvania’s Solar Future

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
The next few years will be an exciting time for solar energy in Pennsylvania. Read more

#StandWithPennFuture During Tomorrow's Inauguration

by Stephanie Rex, Director of Communications
Take a step to combat President-Elect Donald Trump's climate change denial. Read more

Funding Our Future

by Joy Braunstein, Chief Development Officer
As a new administration prepares to take office, Chief Development Officer Joy Braunstein explores how her past experience at the federal level can serve as a prediction for what's to come. Read more

Connecting Agriculture to Clean Water Goals

by Ezra P. Thrush, Senior Director of Government Affairs
In Harrisburg, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Just as exciting as the holiday season, this week, the Capitol Region hosts the 101st Pennsylvania Farm Show – the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the nation. Read more

Silencing the Warning Bells of Climate Science

by Larry J. Schweiger
For many generations, "The Inchcape Rock" was taught as a cautionary tale to dissuade those who might seek to destroy warning bells. Read more

2017-18 State Legislation Session: Looking Ahead

by Matt Stepp, Director of Policy
An environmental look at potential issues that could arise this session. Read more

Pittlandia: Is Pittsburgh the New Portland?

by Annie Regan, Senior Program Manager
An environmentalist's perspective on two cities striving for a clean energy future. Read more

My Mission is PennFuture's Mission.

by Stephanie Rex, Director of Communications
An introduction to PennFuture's new Communications Director. Read more

Taking Stock of the 2015-16 Legislative Session
Historic Attacks and Lost Opportunities

by PennFuture
The Pennsylvania General Assembly’s two-year session wrapped up with a flurry of last-minute activity, capping off months of historic attacks on environmental priorities. It was a tumultuous session characterized by numerous attempts to weaken environmental regulations, halt progress toward... Read more

What a Trump presidency means for our environment and future generations.

by Larry J. Schweiger
In the fallout of the 2016 presidential campaign, Larry Schweiger has some insight on what’s ahead. Read more

The Paris Climate Accord: Too Little Too Late or an Important First Step?

by Larry J. Schweiger
After 21 painful years of negotiations following the sabotaged Kyoto Climate Agreement, 191 countries finally found agreement on a new strategy to confront climate change and agreed to the Paris Climate Accord last December. Read more

Defending Net Metering in Pennsylvania

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
We must defend net metering programs in Pennsylvania and allow customers to get full market value for the energy they generate. Read more

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