Power plants account for at least 25 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere, which is nearly twice as much as homes and small business contributions combined.
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Reflecting on Erie’s summer, I want to highlight four community activist-led efforts that provide hope and inspiration about our ability to affect change. Based on the examples set by these community advocates, I propose we rename this recent season to the “Summer of Community Climate Solutions.”
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Setting the record straight on commonly held myths about solar and recommendations to overcome the largest obstacles to solar energy adoption.
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Municipalities cannot ignore this new pattern of development and cannot ban distribution and fulfillment centers from within their borders. They must proactively plan for when distribution and fulfillment centers come to town by adopting updated zoning ordinances.
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While meaningful federal action to address the growing climate crisis is long overdue, it’s also critical that whatever path we take, we do things right. There are better choices than using carbon capture and storage (CCS).
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PennFuture and Brodhead Watershed Association (BWA) announce a settlement reached with the developer of the Swiftwater Solar project and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that protects the water quality of Exceptional Value Swiftwater Creek.
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One of the most significant changes impacting land use in Pennsylvania today is the rise of e-commerce and the massive logistics facilities that support it.
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Court's ruling on stormwater charge generated controversy among other municipalities with similar stormwater ordinances and tax-exempted entities.
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We dodged the worst this time, but this could happen again. Industry and other polluters are not going to keep us safe simply out of the goodness of their hearts, which is why we need to fight for stronger regulations.
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The renewed air permit for U.S. Steel’s Clairton Coke Works fails to include the monitoring and testing requirements needed to ensure the facility actually complies with its permit limits.
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Shocking in its scale and potential effects, the disaster's long-term health and environmental impacts may not be known for months or even years
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