If we are truly committed to moving to a renewable energy economy, rather than a fossil-fuel based economy, the first step is to stop building new fossil fuel infrastructure. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is struggling with that first step.
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Pennsylvania’s pipelines have not been environmentally friendly, economically sustainable, safe, or at all “beneficial” to the average citizen.
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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for the General Assembly to transfer oil and gas lease funds designated for environmental conservation to the general fund for non-conservation purposes.
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Something must be done to tackle our plastic waste problem in the U.S., and states like Maine might be leading the way and teaching us all a thing or two about finally solving this issue.
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The U.S. Supreme Court recently dealt a severe blow in an ongoing fight to prevent PennEast, a private natural gas company, from building a 116 mile natural gas pipeline from the Marcellus Shale region in Pennsylvania into New Jersey.
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It is clear that people of minority groups are facing the brunt of environmental degradation at a harsher rate than other groups, and this is true in Pennsylvania too.
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The state budget that PennFuture so optimistically saw as a chance for lawmakers and the Governor to invest in a greener future, fell far short of making those investments, and the support for clean water we were hoping to see never materialized.
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This week, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science gave the Chesapeake Bay a C in their latest report card. This is an improvement from last year’s grade of C-.
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On June 11, a federal court dismissed a lawsuit brought by Pennsylvania Republicans that challenged a fracking ban implemented by the Delaware River Basin Commission.
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The solution to the plastic crisis is not simple, but it is clear - reducing plastic production and use is the only way to definitively keep plastic out of the environment and our bodies.
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