PennFuture Blog

Our Perspectives on the Latest Issues


My Mission is PennFuture's Mission.

by Stephanie Rex, Director of Communications
An introduction to PennFuture's new Communications Director. Read more

Taking Stock of the 2015-16 Legislative Session
Historic Attacks and Lost Opportunities

by PennFuture
The Pennsylvania General Assembly’s two-year session wrapped up with a flurry of last-minute activity, capping off months of historic attacks on environmental priorities. It was a tumultuous session characterized by numerous attempts to weaken environmental regulations, halt progress toward... Read more

What a Trump presidency means for our environment and future generations.

by Larry J. Schweiger
In the fallout of the 2016 presidential campaign, Larry Schweiger has some insight on what’s ahead. Read more

The Paris Climate Accord: Too Little Too Late or an Important First Step?

by Larry J. Schweiger
After 21 painful years of negotiations following the sabotaged Kyoto Climate Agreement, 191 countries finally found agreement on a new strategy to confront climate change and agreed to the Paris Climate Accord last December. Read more

Defending Net Metering in Pennsylvania

by Rob Altenburg, Senior Director for Energy and Climate
We must defend net metering programs in Pennsylvania and allow customers to get full market value for the energy they generate. Read more

PA streams: Let's protect the best of the best.

by Jen Quinn
Anyone who spends time in the outdoors knows Pennsylvania has abundant water resources. With more than 86,000 miles of streams, we’re second only to Alaska in the number of miles of streams... Read more

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