February 14, 2022

PennFuture Responds to Latest Attempt to Stop Pennsylvania Joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

“PennFuture is dismayed that a dangerous attempt is being made by the Majority in the state legislature to keep Pennsylvania from enacting any kind of carbon reduction program here, which in turn would block us from joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative,” said PennFuture President and CEO Jacquelyn Bonomo. “This time, lawmakers are using a smoke-and-mirrors approach by dangling a one-time infusion of federal COVID relief monies in front of colleagues in an attempt to siphon support and votes away from a carbon reduction program in Pennsylvania likeRGGI.

To be clear, there is absolutely nothing stopping our lawmakers from passing clean, stand-alone legislation to spell out how it wants to invest RGGI pollution allowance revenue or alternative approaches to cut carbon pollution from power plants. Unfortunately, they haven’t done so and this shows they’re not interested in doing so.

This legislation has nothing to do with good-faith efforts to protect our environment and conservation, and everything to do with a veiled attempt to kill the one program we can count on to lower carbon pollution in Pennsylvania. PennFuture strongly opposes this amended legislation and will keep doing our part to ensure that a carbon reduction program becomes a reality in Pennsylvania.”


PennFuture is leading the transition to a clean energy economy in Pennsylvania, fighting big polluters with legal muscle, enforcing environmental laws, and supporting legislative policy that protects public health. PennFuture is engaging and educating citizens about the realities of climate change, and giving them the tools needed to influence lawmakers on the issues. Visit www.pennfuture.org for more information.

Jared Stonesifer
Director of Media Relations