Reports & White Papers

Reports and Fact Sheets

The report offers policy recommendations for the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).
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Learn how to protect the natural environment with Public Participation, Public Power: A Community Guide to Local Land Use Decision-Making in Pennsylvania
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An overview of the model ordinance, information on municipal ordinance amendment process, and tips for encouraging municipal leaders to pass the model ordinance
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This paper sets the record straight on commonly held myths about solar and recommendations to overcome the largest obstacles to solar energy adoption.
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PennFuture Releases Living With Logistics: A Model Logistics Use Zoning Ordinance for PA Municipalities to manage the influx of massive logistics facilities.
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In June of 2022, PennFuture published a paper about the emerging issue of hydrogen hubs in Pennsylvania.
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A state legislator’s guide to protecting Pennsylvania’s waterways for the future.
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On April 8, PennFuture released a new report designed to get Pennsylvania back on track toward funding clean water obligations in the Chesapeake Bay.
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On Feb. 22, PennFuture and partners released a new report that shows the eye-popping depths that Pennsylvania goes to subsidize the fossil fuel industry.
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This fact sheet spells out policies that could help PA reduce greenhouse gas emissions and speed the state’s transition to zero-carbon energy production.
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On Dec. 3, PennFuture and 12 partner organizations released a blueprint designed to protect Pennsylvania's Lake Erie watershed for decades to come.
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On July 28, PennFuture released a 50-page report designed to guide our leaders to implement a green stimulus recovery plan for Pennsylvania.
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In December 2019, PennFuture published a third version of its Stream Redesignation Handbook.
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This document is PennFuture's 2019 Annual Report, published in March 2020.
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This document is PennFuture's 2018 Annual Report.
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This first edition of the Clean Water Legislative Briefing Book presents important information about the opportunities and threats facing Pennsylvania waterways
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26 steps Governor Wolf can take to improve Pennsylvania’s environment and economy
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Taxpayers have paid nearly $800 per year in recent years. Download our Fossil Fuel Subsidy Report to learn more.
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How is clean energy creating jobs in Pennsylvania – and what policies are needed now to ensure future job growth? Find out in the Clean Jobs PA report.
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Are Your Representatives Protecting Your Health and the Environment?
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When ‘king coal’ moves away, coal workers are left without a livelihood, the environment is scarred, and communities are destroyed. We’re working to ensure...
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This resource contains information and tools for municipalities that wish to institute best practices for the zoning and permitting of residential and small...
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The Chesapeake Bay foundation’s report Pennsylvania Milestones reviews agriculture, forest buffers, nutrient management, urban infiltration, and more...
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The Pennsylvania Climate Change Act (PCCA), Act 70 of 2008 directed Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to conduct a study of the...
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From Lake Erie to the Delaware, learn about the conditions of Pennsylvania’s extraordinary waters
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A step-by-step guide for petitioning to upgrade your stream to High Quality or Exceptional Value Special Protection in Pennsylvania
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Act 129 programs have been very successful, highly cost-effective, and have brought significant benefits to Pennsylvania’s electric ratepayers...
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